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Born in Argentina to German parents, Elisabeth Zeuch comes from a multicultural background.

A resident of the United States since 1990, she is fluent in English, Spanish and German.


Elisabeth holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Human Development and has worked with children and families for the past 38 years. Her last employment was in the mental health field, providing behavioral interventions to children and adolescents.


Elisabeth's involvement with Family Constellation Work began in 2005. After attending numerous workshops, she decided to become a facilitator of the work. Her first facilitator training in this modality ended in 2007 and she has been organizing weekly workshops since then.

Elisabeth has completed Constellation Work trainings with Mark Wolynn, Francesca Mason-Boring, JoAnna Chartrand and Dyrian Benz. She attended several intensives offered by Bert Hellinger, the International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA) in Germany, and Systemic Constellations Conferences in the US.


Elisabeth continues  to develop her facilitator skills by attending workshops, conferences, and trainings, including: TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) workshops, Trauma and Constellations training, Somatic Imaging, Organizational Constellations, among others.









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